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What Animals Live in San Luis Potosi

What Animals Live in San Luis Potosi

San Luis Potosí

San Luis Potosí

Pronunciation: sahn-loo-ees poh-toh-SEE.

Origin of state name: The Spaniards originally named the region Valle de San Luis, a name that was soon shortened to San Luis. After discovering big amounts of gold and silver, the Spaniards added the word Potosí (hill), which was a proper name they were applying to rich mining regions.

Capital: San Luis Potosí.

Entered country: 1824.

Coat of Arms: The coat of arms features San Luis Rey, the patron saint of the country, standing on top of San Pedro Hill, which has cave-like openings representing the mines of the land. Blue and yellow are used to represent night and day. Ii silver and 2 golden bars represent the mining activities of the land.

Holidays: Año Nuevo (New year's Day—January ane); Día de la Constitución (Constitution Solar day—February 5); Benito Juárez'due south birthday (March 21); Primero de Mayo (Labor Day—May 1); Revolution Day, 1910 (November 20); and Navidad (Christmas—December 25).

Flag: In that location is no official land flag.

Time: vi AM = noon Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Location and Size

San Luis Potosí covers an area of 62,849 square kilometers (24,266 foursquare miles), which is slightly larger than the Us state of West Virginia. It is surrounded by nine Mexican states, thereby being the state with the most states bordering on it. To the north are us of Coahuila and Nuevo León; on the northeast, Tamaulipas; on the eastward, Veracruz; on the due south, Hidalgo, Querétaro, and Guanajuato; on the southwest, Jalisco; and on the west, Zacatecas. San Luis Potosí is divided into fifty-eight municipalities. The uppercase urban center is as well chosen San Luis Potosí.

The Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range runs along the eastern portion of San Luis Potosí.

The longest river system is the Santa María, which joins the Moctezuma River to form the Pánuco River. In that location are spectacular waterfalls at Tamul and Micos.

2 Climate

In regions of higher distance, the climate is dry and desert-like. In the primal region

© Kal Muller/Woodfin Camp Most farms are found in the Huasteca region of the state, which is a fertile lowland area in the east.

© Kal Muller/Woodfin Campsite

Most farms are constitute in the Huasteca region of the state, which is a fertile lowland area in the eastward.

of the state, the climate may vary from cool to hot, but the lower regions of the state are by and large hot and humid. In the capital urban center of San Luis Potosí, the average yr-round temperature is almost xviii°c (64°f). The average precipitation in the upper-case letter is 35 centimeters (13.9 inches) per yr.

3 Plants and Animals

Some of the most common plants in the state are Chinese palm and yucca trees, organ cactus, nopal (prickly pear), and various ferns and mosses. Sapodilla, papaya, and banana trees are as well plant. Big mammals include wildcats and deer. Small mammals include prairie dogs, hares, tlacuaches (Mexican opossums), and tepezcuintles (small dogs). Rattlesnakes and armadillos can also be plant. Hawks and eagles are common birds.

iv Environmental Protection

In 2003, San Luis Potosí received federal monies to help the country in efforts to develop systems for tracking industrial pollutants. Protected areas in the land include El Potosí National Park and Gogorrón National Park.

San Luis Potosí

© Mireille Vautier/Woodfin Camp An example of the masks on display in the Museum of the Mask, found in the capital, San Luis Potosí.

© Mireille Vautier/Woodfin Camp

An instance of the masks on display in the Museum of the Mask, constitute in the uppercase, San Luis Potosí.

5 Population, Ethnic Groups, Languages

San Luis Potosí had a total population of 2,299,360 in 2000; of the full, ane,120,837 were men and 1,178,523 were women. The population density was 38 people per square kilometer (98 people per foursquare mile). In 2000, the capital, San Luis Potosí, had a population of 669,353.

Almost all citizens speak Castilian as their first language. Nearly eleven.7% of the population speaks indigenous (native) lan-guages.

6 Religions

According to the 2000 census, 80% of the population, or 1.viii meg people, were Roman Cosmic; 4 %, or 93,257 people, were Protestant. That year there were also xiv,365 Jehovah's Witnesses and over 45,000 people who reported no religion.

7 Transportation

The state has about 8,293 kilometers (5,151 miles) of roads and ane,280 kilometers (795 miles) of railroads. At that place are ii airports in the state, mostly for domestic flights.

eight History

Around 10,000 B.C. hunter and gatherer groups outset visited the San Luis Potosí region. There are some archeological ruins that date back to 1200 B.C. in the region. Before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors (those who sought to conqueror Mexico for Kingdom of spain), Chichimeco and Huasteco groups inhabited the area. In October 1522, Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés (1485–1547) initiated the conquest of the region. In 1524, Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán took possession of the territory every bit the crown-appointed governor. Another Spaniard, Beltrán de Guzmán, kidnapped thousands of native Indians. He sold them as slaves in other parts of United mexican states. Around 1539, Franciscan priests Antonio de Roa and Juan Sevilla initiated a campaign to convert the Indians in the region to Roman Catholicism. The discovery of mineral deposits in San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas in 1546 attracted new settlers. The Chichimec Indians revolted against increased colonial presence and launched a military offensive known as the Chichimec War toward the cease of the 1500s.

Franciscan priest Diego de la Magdalena established a hospice for Indians in what subsequently became the boondocks of San Luis Potosí. In 1583, Mestizo (mixed Spanish and Ethnic) armed services leader Miguel Caldera sought to bring an cease to the Chichimec State of war. Viceroy Luis de Velasco (1511–1564) sent four hundred indigenous families who had converted to Catholicism to live amongst the Chichimec starting in 1591. In 1592, the discovery of new mineral deposits created a gilt rush. The town of San Luis Potosí was formally founded in belatedly 1592. Toward the turn of the century, new cattle ranches and agricultural fields emerged to service the growing mining industry. The Chichimec War ended in the 17th century. The indigenous populations were overpowered past the Castilian population'due south growth and the power of the colonizers. San Luis Potosí consolidated as a major mining center in Mexico during the 17th and 18th century.

The independence movement reached San Luis Potosí in 1810. Despite a number of encarmine uprisings, the royalist forces (loyal to Spain) successfully maintained control of the region until 1821, when cease to Spanish dominion in the unabridged land came with a formal declaration of independence. San Luis Potosí became a federal state in 1824. Its new constitution was written in 1826.

A period of instability characterized much of Mexico between 1830 and 1870. After this period, forces loyal to President Porfirio Díaz (1830–1915) controlled San Luis Potosí. Economic development and improvements in infrastructure characterized much of the period. Simply indigenous insurrections connected. Different groups and different movements revolted demanding land distribution and improvements in the living weather of peasants. A precursor of the Mexican Revolution was the get-go Liberal Congress organized in San Luis Potosí in 1901.

Revolutionary leader Francisco Indalécio Madero (1873–1913) was arrested in July 1910 and sent to San Luis Potosí. He successfully escaped. He then issued the Plan of San Luis on October fifth, which encouraged Mexicans to take up artillery against the government and marked the commencement of the Mexican Revolution (1910–1920). About the stop of the revolution in 1917, the Cristero State of war, where Cosmic loyalists revolted against the secular nature of the new regime, fabricated it more difficult for revolutionary violence to exist subdued.

During the catamenia of Institutional Revolutionary Political party (PRI) rule, which lasted from 1934 to 2003 (when Marcelo Santos of the National Action Political party was elected governor), San Luis Potosí emerged every bit ane of the well-nigh troubled states in the union. A revolt confronting the country distribution programs championed by President Lázaro Cárdenas (1895–1970) in 1939 was violently repressed. The civic move led by rightwing physician Salvador Nava generated political instability. This popular and relentless democratic leader challenged the domination of the PRI.

9 Country and Local Government

The state governor is democratically elected for a nonrenewable six-twelvemonth term. The country legislature is comprised of 20-seven deputies elected for nonrenewable three-year terms. Fifteen deputies are elected in single member districts and twelve are elected by proportional representation. Because of stiff contest from the National Action Party (PAN) since the mid 1960s, militant legislative power have been exercised equally PAN leaders have employed check-and-balance provisions against the governor.

The l-eight municipalities that contain San Luis Potosí hold autonomous elections for municipal presidents and council members every iii years. Immediate re-election is non allowed. Although some decentralization initiatives are producing positive results, the state still has a long mode to go to achieve successful decentralization.

10 Political Parties

The three main political parties in all of Mexico are the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the National Action Party (PAN), and the Political party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). Although the PRI dominated state politics since the end of the Mexican Revolution in 1917, a charismatic bourgeois leader, Salvador Nava, became mayor of San Luis Potosí in 1959. In 1991, Nava ran for governor and lost to the PRI amidst accusations of massive fraud. Finally, the PRI control came to an end in 2003, when PAN'southward Marcelo Santos was elected governor.

eleven Judicial System

The Supreme Tribunal of Justice is the land'due south highest court. Its xiii members are appointed by the legislature from a three-person list presented to them by the governor. But qualified attorneys tin exist nominated. After their six-year terms expire, justices tin be re-elected. Because of a stiff self-governing legislature, an independent judiciary enforces formal separation of powers between the various branches of the government. In addition, an electoral tribunal court and lower courts are besides components of the country's judicial system.

12 Economy

Manufacturing is the largest economic activity in San Luis Potosí, accounting for near 26% of the economy. General service-based companies accounts for 18% of the economy, followed by trade activities at 17%, finance and insurance at 15%, agronomics and livestock at 9%, transportation and communications at 9%, construction at 5%, and mining at 1%.

xiii Manufacture

Nigh of the industrial activities take place in or around the capital letter city. The primary industries are food processing, auto manufacturing, mining, and textiles. Some large strange companies have facilities in San Luis Potosí, including Bendix (machine parts), Sandoz (pharmaceuticals), Union Carbide (chemicals), and Bimbo (nutrient products).

xiv Labor

The US Agency of Labor Statistics reported that Mexican workers saw their wages increase 17%, from $2.09 in 1999 to $2.46 in 2000. (The average US worker earned $19.86 in 2000.) Mexican law has established six paid vacation days per year for all workers.

15 Agronomics

Most farms are found in the Huasteca region of the state, which is a fertile lowland area in the east. Fruit crops such as

© Mireille Vautier/Woodfin Camp This Roman Catholic cathedral in San Luis Potosí dates from the 18th century.

© Mireille Vautier/Woodfin Camp

This Roman Cosmic cathedral in San Luis Potosí dates from the 18th century.

oranges, mangos, bananas, and guavas are important in this region. Corn and beans are principal crops throughout the state. Goats, sheep, and cattle are the primary livestock.

16 Natural Resource

The state has rich mineral resources, particularly silvery, aureate, and fluorite.

17 Free energy and Power

Almost all of the energy in Mexico is provided by the Federal Electricity Committee (CFE). In February 2002, the CFE introduced new electric rates. For households that use less than 140 kilowatt hours per calendar month, there was no rate increase. (This is most 75% of all households in Mexico, according to CFE).

eighteen Health

The state of San Luis Potosí has xx general hospitals, 532 outpatient centers, and 46 surgical centers.

About of the Mexican population is covered nether a authorities wellness plan. The IMSS (Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social) covers the general population. The ISSSTE (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de Trabajadores del Estado) covers country workers.

19 Housing

More than one-half of the housing bachelor in the state of San Luis Potosí is in good repair. More than 26% is in need of meaning upgrading. Many homes do not accept running water or access to electric-ity.

20 Teaching

The arrangement of public pedagogy was showtime started past President Benito Juárez (1806–1872) in 1867. Public education in United mexican states is free for students from ages 6 to sixteen. According to the 2000 census, at that place were approximately 562,000 school-age students in the state. Many students elect to go to private schools. The thirty-one states of Mexico all accept at least one state academy. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (Independent University of San Luis Potosí) is located in the capital.

21 Arts

The capital city is dwelling house to three local dance companies: the Ballet Provincial de San Luis Potosí, the Grupo de Danza Folklórica, and the Danza Contemporánea. Musical groups include La Banda de Música del Gobierno de San Luis Potosí and the San Luis Potosí Symphony Orchestra. San Luis Potosí also has 9 theaters, including open air theaters. Well-nigh cities and towns have cultural centers.

22 Libraries and Museums

There are 103 branches of the public library. San Luis Potosí has eighteen museums including a bullfighting museum, the Museum of the Mask, a cultural arts museum, and a museum dedicated to comic volume heroes (both Mexican and American).

23 Media

The capital city, San Luis Potosí, has ii daily newspapers: El Sol de San Luis Potosí and Pulso.

24 Tourism, Travel, and Recreation

In the capital, San Luis Potosí, tourists oft visit the Church of Nuestra Senora del Carmen because of its tiled domes and famous altars. The national fair of San Luis Potosí is celebrated in August. Santa María del Río has an ancient aqueduct that forms a waterfall. There is a spa with thermal baths nearby. The area effectually Santa María del Río is a popular resort expanse.

25 Sports

The capital, San Luis Potosí, hosts a basketball team, Santos, and a soccer squad, the Real San Luís. Soccer is played in the 24,000-seat Alfonso Lastras stadium.

26 Famous People

C. Marcelo de los Santos Fraga was elected governor in 2003.

27 Bibliography


DeAngelis, Gina. Mexico. Mankato, MN: Blue World Books, 2003.

Supples, Kevin. Mexico. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2002.

Web Sites

United mexican states for Kids. Online (accessed on June 15, 2004).

What Animals Live in San Luis Potosi




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